7.5” Bunka - 26c3 carbon
This tuxedo is a laser and represents a couple firsts for me including the white turquoise inlay!
13 1/2” overall length
7 1/2” hand finished ktip blade in 26c3 spicy white steel
5 3/4” octogonal wa handle in Gabon ebony with brass bolster and white turquoise true stone spacer and butt inlay
It’s faceted for grip and balanced at the choil which is rounded and polished like the spine
A matching saya sheath keeps it secure and completes the look
This tuxedo is a laser and represents a couple firsts for me including the white turquoise inlay!
13 1/2” overall length
7 1/2” hand finished ktip blade in 26c3 spicy white steel
5 3/4” octogonal wa handle in Gabon ebony with brass bolster and white turquoise true stone spacer and butt inlay
It’s faceted for grip and balanced at the choil which is rounded and polished like the spine
A matching saya sheath keeps it secure and completes the look
This tuxedo is a laser and represents a couple firsts for me including the white turquoise inlay!
13 1/2” overall length
7 1/2” hand finished ktip blade in 26c3 spicy white steel
5 3/4” octogonal wa handle in Gabon ebony with brass bolster and white turquoise true stone spacer and butt inlay
It’s faceted for grip and balanced at the choil which is rounded and polished like the spine
A matching saya sheath keeps it secure and completes the look